Creation or Chance

Did the limitless heavens, this vast globe we call “earth,” and the amazing diversities of life upon it, come merely by chance or caprice? Are the complexities of life a mere whim of fate — or is there some real purpose behind existence?

God’s purpose with mankind proved by the wonder of the universe.
A vast change has come over the world in the last hundred years. Prior to 1914, the tempo of life was far more leisurely; motor cars were few and inefficient; airplanes were flimsy affairs that inspired little confidence; electricity was still largely in its infancy. And morally, the world was still governed by the standards and conventions of the Victorian Age.

A vast change has come over the world in the last ninety years. Prior to 1914, the tempo of life was far more leisurely; motor cars were few and inefficient; airplanes were flimsy affairs that inspired little confidence; electricity was still largely in its infancy. And morally, the world was still governed by the standards and conventions of the Victorian Age.

The first World War brought great changes. It introduced a period of great inventiveness when, in the words of Bible prophecy, “knowledge was increased” (Daniel 12:4). Speed came into its own; the use of electricity was developed; radio became more than a mere toy. On the battlefields, millions died as mighty armies became locked in terrible death-struggles; and, in the widespread catastrophe, conventions were thrown to the winds, and morals were measured by new standards. In view of the remarkable developments of technology, and the widening influence of information, people began to doubt the existence of God as theories of evolution and “natural development” were exploited.



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